Stretching neck

Welcome to the Stretching Sloth 

'Sloth Style' Neck & Shoulder

Self-Massage Classes

 Hosted @ A little R&R Massage therapy, Tai Tapu.

Book online to register 

Location: The yurt

Class: Sloth style Neck Self Massage

2025 schedule:

Neck workshops

Neck day 1 & Neck day 2

Feb 1st & 2nd 

 March 15th & 16th

 10am-1pm OR 3pm-6pm

Neck day 3 (advanced stuff)

Feb 15th

May 3rd 

10am-12pm or 3pm-5pm

The full workshop is 8 hours long with

one x 3 hour session on Saturday and

one x 3 hour session on Sunday with 

 one x 2 hour advanced workshop

Times available are: 10-1pm or 3-6pm

Mix & Match the start times that suit

you best on all days.

Sat 10-1 / 3-6pm 

Sun 10-1 / 3-6pm 



ONLY $269 for all 3 Neck workshops



BOOK ONLINE HERE to register & pay for the next class. Then please fill in the registration questionnaire below Click HERE to fill out the registration questionnaire (this is mandatory for health and safety reasons)

Who will benefit most from this workshop?

  • Those diagnosed with Chronic Tension Type Headaches,

Wry neck or Cervicogenic Headaches

  • Those who's neck click, crack and crunch their way from side to side
  • Those who have received a benefit from hands-on therapy or muscular pain relief from complimentary therapies in the past

 i.e. Osteopath, physio, acupuncture, chiropractor & massage therapy

  • People who sleep on their front with heads turned to one side
  • Those who have a hobby where your neck is twisted or bent for a long period of time

i.e. violin players, painters/plasters, rock climbers, office workers who can't touch-type.

  • People who have a headache or neck stiffness that can't be otherwise medically explained, knows as 'Chronic non-specific neck pain or headache'
  • Those who have jaw issues, pain on chewing or have just been in the dentist's chair

Book online to register 

Who would NOT benefit from this workshop:

  • Those with acute (recent) neck or head trauma / operation
  • Those with severe arthritis or pain in their fingers, hands or wrists

 (Please contact us to talk about 'hands off' massage techniques that we teach in the course.)

  • Those who can move their neck beautifully from side to side and up and down without pain, creaking or stiffness or who don't get tension headaches!
  • Anyone who cannot easily lie down & get up off the floor or easily get out of bed

these techniques are for you to do in bed/lying on the sofa or on the floor at home, hence there is a lot of lying down & getting up again.

Don't panic, If you can't do this easily, we have massage tables that you can use instead

What you will learn at this

weekend course

Our goal here at the Stretching Sloth is to

eliminate the grumpiness of the world caused

by a pain in the neck!

Thea will teach you some of the most effective neck massage tricks she's learnt in her 12 years as a remedial massage therapist. 

This class is aimed towards helping those suffering with

chronic tension headaches, jaw tension & neck stiffness/pain. 

Included in the class is:


  •  Extensive training on what NOT to massage

  • Creating an EDIBLE spine
  • (yes, the best way to learn is when there is food involved!)

  • Learn the easiest (sloth style) positions to be in when massaging your neck

  • How to maintain your hands and fingers when massaging yourself

    (it's pretty hard work what we do - as you will find out for yourself )

  • & learn the BEST posture strengthening exercise ever invented!


Book online HERE to register & pay for the next class. Then please fill in the registration questionnaire below Click HERE to fill out the registration questionnaire (this is mandatory for health and safety reasons)

Benefits of attending this Self Massage class:

Easy & safe

Lots of health and safety information is given, to make sure you don't injure yourself.

Take control of your own pain management.

It's your body, you get to decide how and when to do the massage to help alleviate your symptoms.

Stay comfortable at home.

Just you in your pyjamas, maintaining your own neck muscles whenever needed. No need to book in every time you get a tension headache now!

Cheaper than regularly going to a therapist

Only $269 for the 3  workshops! ($33 an hour) You'll learn everything you need to become your own massage therapist!

No time?

Just take as much time as you can. We recommend doing as much of the self massage routine as your body allows, twice a week.

Helps us eliminate grumpiness from the world!

Lets make sure that no one ever gets out of the wrong side of bed again due to a pain in the neck!

Do you suffer from chronic tension headaches?

Below you'll find a few resources for your informed consent before you register for this workshop.


Everything you ever needed to know about headaches:

The official definition of chronic tension type headache from the ICHD, along with descriptions of ALL the 14 categories of headaches: (Click)


Massage induces relaxation

Is there anything better than a head & shoulder massage? (I'm a dog lover, hence this clip!) (Click)


Research says massage can help manage headaches

Meta analysis confirming that massage can help the management of headache pain. (Click)


The most up-to-date research on headaches and and pain management generally. (Click)

Disclaimers and when not to self massage

This class is meant as a guide only and is not be to substituted for medical advice from your

GP, physio or other healthcare provider.

It is designed primarily to relieve tension headaches and muscular spasms in the head, neck, jaw and shoulders.

If you are still feeling a pain or a headache after practicing what you have learnt in the workshop, please do go and get advice from a medical professional.

This workshop will NOT teach you how to massage anyone other than yourself &

It is NOT a massage training course. I can highly recommend the SIT massage course if you are interested in learning to become a massage therapist.

This workshop is not suited to those who have experienced a recent neck trauma (whip lash/falling off something and banging your head) nor those who experience headaches from anything other than muscular tension in the neck & shoulders - check out the official International Headache Society's website to see if your headache could be something other than a tension type headache.

If you have arthritis, or any painful condition, in your fingers or hands but still wish to learn some self neck massage, please do contact us as the full workshop might not be for you, but our 'hands off self massage' section will be perfect!

Every body is unique with different trauma earned along the road of life. Use your own body as the gauge for when to stop massaging. Generally, massaging up to the first point of pain/resistance is a good place to stop until you gain confidence in what your body can do (and how it can adapt over time).

Please don't massage a recently diagnosed strained muscle, it's already been over-stretched and needs to heal.

Who is 'The Stretching Sloth' and how did all this come about?

Thea started The Stretching Sloth back in 2018 as a way to try and get her clients to easily do some movement homework.  To the right is an article in The Lincoln Community Newsletter, where she bares all.

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